I Knit

Seriously, I do. I knitted a cute little cowl this weekend, but the picture won't upload, stupid picture. I started a gorgeous scarf that I fully intend to sleep with when finished, but the picture won't upload, stupid picture. I am starting a couple other projects soon, when I figure out how to use my stupid camera thingy, I will try and post pictures. Cause seriously? I can knit! Whee!

(**this post is not endorsed by real knitters, said poster is dilusional, but we humor her, cause she's so cute. She can knit and purl, and sometimes knit in the round. She is working on patterns but isn't there yet - she can not yet knit. try not to encourage her.)


Richmond said…
You knit well!! Far far better than I do for sure!
Feisty said…
I have seen said cowl and said scarf.

Both are gorgeous!

You can knit. You can knit damn well.

You are cute, too!

(Is the problem the upload from the camera to computer or computer to blog? I cannot help with the former, but if you send me pics via email, I will post for you.)

Just told my mom about "Made in Korea!"

She told me I forgot to tell her to pee first.
Lolly said…
Maybe you need more stash?

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