Salute to Major Startitis

For a while there I was doing a fairly good job of knocking out the oldest on my WIPs (works in progress); however, with only one (or two) big projects on the needles (Hypoteneuse Shawl and Cropped Cardigan) I was actually down to two different sock projects.

We simply cannot have that, can we?

No worries, then, because I started two more sock projects and a scarf (not to mention the Ene's Shawl I have been itching to begin or the Clapotis that I have had the stuff for these past few months).

The most recentn pair involve the wildy popular Monkey pattern from Knitty. The yarn I used is Colortopia by Lovesticks. Both the pattern and the yarn are fantastic.

While I had hoped to stealth knit this pair, it is often hard to do with wee feet. She was deeply engrossed in a book when I tried these on her. She did not look at them, but it was pretty obvious I was knitting a pair of socks for her. I guess the stealth knitting will come in making a similar pair for her American Girl doll.

Happy Knitting!


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