A Stitch in Time...

This little purple towel was the last one woven at the very end of my first warp of tea towels.

She was shorter than the rest, so I kept her for myself.

The adage around here is that we keep the ugly cookies and give the pretty ones away.

My dish towel drawer is full of “ugly cookies,” but they work just fine.

This one is a favorite, as she is soft and thirsty, a real work horse.

I cook a great deal. I am also a big believer in investing in the best tools we can afford. I have a nice santoku knife I use daily. Instead of sticking it in the dishwasher, I always hand wash and dry it.

Unfortunately, sometimes I get in a hurry and am a bit careless when drying it, at the sake of my handwoven towels.

I caught the bottom edge of the knife on this towel and cut a hole it in. The thing is THAT sharp.

It was fine. I wasn’t upset. These things are meant to be used. 

A few weeks ago, I pulled nine towels off the 24” loom, but had no time to do anything with them, but dump them on the dining table. 

Last night, I pulled two blankets/throws off the 56” loom. 

The pile on the dining table demanded attention. 

Thus, I spent last evening and most of the morning hemming. (More on these later.)

After I finished the final press on the new items, I decided to mend the little purple one, in addition to a much newer one I had done the same thing to. (Eye roll... I really should be more careful.)

I had a piece of fabric, which was the pattern sample at the beginning of the latest towel warp. I cut off two little pieces and zigzagged them for the mend. 

I neglected to get a shot of the "before" for the second towel, but here's the patch:

I could not be more delighted!

These "ugly cookies" are now perfectly charming.

Although, the family darn well better use a paper towel when cleaning up any spaghetti messes!


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