But for a Pair of Sleeves...

There are not one, but two sweaters ongoing at the moment.

The first is the Lanvad, which I started back in September.

With the day job, family, weaving, my mother's visit, and the beginnings of a novel, the knitting has not been a priority; however, the urge struck me over the weekend, and I was able to finish the bottom half of the body, as well as the cowl.

According to the forecast, it is 51 degrees right now with a high of 78 degrees.

There is no hurry in getting those sleeves done, despite the first day of December arriving tomorrow.

Thus far, this has been a very nice and easy knit. The Wollmeise dk is lovely. The pattern is well written. If I just worked on it more, it would have been done weeks ago...

25 days until Christmas!


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